Send Bulk SMS as low as N1.00 per/sms

Send SMS Now!


We offer Cheap, Fast and Reliable SMS platform for Nigeria and international SMS Routes. We are a global Information and Communication Technologist providing SMS web application to Businesses, Schools, Universities, Institutions, Individuals, Artists, Estate Agencies, Professionals, Organizations, Churches, Sports Clubs, Marketing Companies, etc.
Our messages delivers!

For more information, contact us on 08174418758

If you are new on this platform, please study our FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS to enable you use this system efficiently. Afterwards, study the USER’S MANUAL beneath to be guided on how to operate your user account.


1.I am new to this website; how can I have a user account to send bulk sms?

To register as a user, click on the link captioned Send SMS Now on this page or the link captioned Login on the top navigation pane and click on Sign Up to enter your details. After registration, an activation mail will be sent to your mail box, which if you activate at your email will get your account set for use. Then you can login with your username and password.

2. What is the cost of SMS?

That depends on how many SMS units you buy (bulk purchases are cheaper); here is the price breakdown.


Our Account Details:

Account No: 4665116017
Account Gintec GLobal Services
Bank: FCMB

3. Are there other costs involved in sending SMS?

There are no any other additional fees. The credits that you buy will not expire until you use them, so if you buy them now and only use them 1 year down the line that is no problem. They will always be on your account at your disposal. You can use as many senders Id as you like to send your messages.

4. How do I buy credits?

You can purchase credits by placing an order or pay to the bank using your username.

5. Will the system allow 100,000 or more simultaneous messages?

Yes, our system can handle over and above that amount of messages per day at a time. There is no limit.

6. Is there provision for status reports for the undelivered messages?

All messages sent have a status report whether successfully delivered or not.

7. How long does it take to deliver messages?

Typically messages are delivered within 5 seconds but usually even faster. The best is to test it by yourself.

8. Do you support non-English text? (The SMS will be written in your language)

Yes, you can send non-English Characters. On the 'Compose Message' page select 'Send as Unicode'. The character length for your message will be much shorter though.

9.How many units does a network charge per sms page?

On our website, an sms page is a block of 160 characters. The charge per page of sms units depends on the network. For example, Nigerian etisalat network charges 1 unit for a page .

10. When will my units expire and can I send sms to other countries?

Your units will not expire until you use them be it in 50 years time. And you can send to different countries of the world which include - America, UK and many others.

11. How do I Log in?

If you do not have an account, create an account via our website.

Subsequently, ENTER 'Username' and 'Password'. These are both case sensitive. CLICK 'Login' to access your home page.

12. I got the activation Email. Now what next?

An activation email was sent to the email address provided during your registeration. To start sending SMS, do the following:

a) Activate your account from your email

b) Go to our website,

c)Copy our account information and make payment,

d) After payment, send your username and amount paid and teller number to 07010724292 for your account to be credited,

e) LOGIN with your username and password,

f) Start sending SMS.



This is the link where you can compose and send SMS messages immediately or schedule for future delivery.

The compose SMS page is shown below.

Figure 1

The elements of the compose SMS page are explained below.

· Sender ID: this shows the Sender displayed on the recipients phone. It could be edited to the users taste. It must not be more than eleven characters, otherwise it will not deliver. The sender ID can contain alphabets and numbers for GSM recipients but only numbers for CDMA recipients.

· Recipients : this is the number(s) which you are sending SMS to.

o Type the recipients numbers in the ‘Type recipients’ area. Multiple numbers can be separated by comma (,) or semicolon (;). Duplicate and invalid numbers will be removed. Numbers are accepted in different formats such as 08030000000, 2348030000000 or +2348030000000.

o Upload recipients from a text document (Notepad) or csv file (excel) from your computer. Numbers can be separated in the file with comma (,) or semicolon (;) or put each number on a separate line. Duplicate and invalid numbers will be removed.

o Add recipients’ number from one or more Address Book Group(s).

· Message: This is the content of the SMS/Text message to be sent. Messages can be one or more pages, multiple pages will be joined and delivered as one long message. You can type a new message or pick from the ones saved in draft

· Save a Copy as Draft: You can save a copy of the message as draft

· Save recipient in a phone book group.

· Schedule for Later Delivery: Enables you to schedule the message delivery for a future date specified by you. However, the SMS units used for the messages will be deleted from your balance on the day you created the schedule.


This is where you store phone numbers that you regularly send messages to so that you don’t have to retype the numbers when you want to send a message.

Figure 2

· Create a new group in your Address Book: This enables you to save and arrange phone numbers according to groups in your Address Book. You can create as many groups as you need and add numbers to them after. You have the option of which group your message should be delivered to by selecting any of them.

· Add new user record to the Address Book: enables you to add new user record to an existing group in the Address Book.

· Add Multiple Numbers to Address Book: use it to add unlimited numbers of phone numbers to any of the groups you have created.

· Upload Numbers from file: use this to upload numbers with name from a text file(note: Notepad is strongly recommended)

· Delete a group and all its records: deletes a group and all its content in the Address Book

· Delete a phone number: deletes a single phone number from the Address Book

· View or Edit Phone Book records



View messages


This is the message history page where you can view all the messages you’ve sent in the past.You can also view your scheduled message here.

Figure 4

· View all messages sent. The messages are displayed by Recipient(s); Message; Status; Credit Used; Date Scheduled For and Delivery Date.

The status for a sent message will be displayed as “sent” while a scheduled message will be displayed as “pending”


Figure 5

· Personal Details: displays your username, mail address, GSM number, Home address, SMS balance, last visit date and registration date.

· Change Password: use it to change your membership account password.

· Set Your Default ID: Set a default ID for all messages. However, this could be edited at any time you want to send a message.

· Transfer SMS units to Another Member: transfer units to another member on www.g5bulksms.com.


For help and support on how to use our bulksms service, click here.

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